Dog Details Gallery

Registered Name:

Call Name:

Lady Liberty of Sienna Pointe


Libby looking for squirrels at her new house in Connecticut!

My Gramma and brother and sister wore me out on my vacation in Chicago!


Sweet sisters laying side-by-side! Gramma brought out this comfy mat for us to share! I am on the left - my collar is in the washer! Winston!!!

Taking a rest at Gramma's!


I got a dirty nose chasing Winston through the flower beds! He also pee'd on me!!! The devil boy! Gramma gave me a bath and washed my collar!

We are taking a break from playing now! I am on the right under my favorite chair!


Pretty sit, Miss Libby!

Libby looks a bit dozy! And she also has that "Lambeau Look"!


Sweet Miss Libby and Lauren on her first night out in the City!

Libby Licking! How sweet!


Libby snoozin'!

You want me to go potty here???