Dog Details Gallery

Registered Name:

Call Name:

Sienna Pointe's Independence Day CD, RX, JH, ELT2


Indy on the Lake at Gramma's!

Indy at Nationals 2009!


Indy, sneaking a peek from under the camper shade!

Sweet Indy with his big brother, Denver!!! Up at Gramma's and Grandpa's (Robyn's parents') Lake House in Wisconsin!!!


Handsome Indy - Snow Boy!

Handsome Indy in the snow! "Come on Den, let's go!"


Hey Indy - look!



Denver and Indy love each other!

Where's the treat?


Resting at Gramma's

I love my spot under the chair!


Super comfy and cool!


This is me with my two sisters - I am the perky one in the back!

Indy and Rocket takin' a nap!


Indy resting in between taunting Denver!

Hi! This is my cool backyard!


Guess who?