Dog Details Gallery

Registered Name:

Call Name:

Sienna Pointe's Waltzing Matilda


Sweet Mattie - Happy Easter 2009!!

Matilda's Portrait! Lovely girl!


Mattie's First Birthday!!! Party Girl!

Mattie on the run at the beach dog park!


Sweet Mattie at the beach!

Mattie on Deck!


I'm comin' in!

Splashin' fun!


What a sweet face!

I love to swim!


My new friend is also a swimmer and they say he has webbed feet like a bird! He does not look like a bird!

Pretty Miss Mattie!


Mattie hanging out under Gramma's desk!

Love those toys!


Kids have the best stuff!

Comfy chair - this one is mine!


My favorite spot! My Dad's neck!

Can I have some, too?


Pretty girl does relax!