Dog Details Gallery

Registered Name:

Call Name:

Sienna Pointe Jolie's Riley Shea


What are those silly big dogs doing?

"This treat routine is pretty cool! Kave and Scuba are showing me the ropes!"


"This is my new friend, Scuba. He is a distant cousin, I think, and LOADS of fun!" "He lets me chase him around and around the tree and alst night he was also letting me bite him!" Winston is the most playful, but Scuba is very sweet and loves toys!"

Riley comes to visit at Gramma's and climbs the little wall for a good view of the dogs!


Riley watches Winston, her favorite buddy! Brewski is by the table!

Winston and Riley playing on a hot summer day! Riley has the upper paw!!


Riley is soooo sweet! I LOVE my new family, especially my Mommie! She feeds me and spoils me with lots of lovin'!

Oh, I can't even look at the score!


Boy those weekend tire me out!

The look!


Miss Riley playing with Cooper at 8 weeks old!