Dog Details Gallery

Registered Name:

Call Name:

Kirby - Sienna Pointe's Gift of Kings


Kirby - who are you sticking your tongue at???

Kirby and her new backpack! :-)


Kirby the obedience queen!

Kirby and her Daddys at the VCOI Double Bubble picnic!


Kirby the agility champ - Grampa Kave is proud!!! Dont' jump too high until your growth plates are settled!

Kirby the super swimmer!


I am learning to swim! It is very cool!

Kirby kissin'!


At the water's edge!

I love our cabin in Wisconsin!


Kirby with a cool stick!

Kirby loves her pheasant bird from Gramma Cindy!!!


Lovely stack!

What a sweet Girl!


Beautiful Kirby!

Kirby and her sweet friend "Tucker"!


Boy, Mr. Tucker is sooo patient!

Sweet Kirby and a cool toy!


Way too young, Miss Kirby!

Kirby - family!


Sweet Kirby at 9 weeks old!

She loves to play!