Dog Details Gallery

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Call Name:

Kirby - Sienna Pointe's Gift of Kings


Kirby and her new backpack! :-)

Kirby - who are you sticking your tongue at???


I am learning to swim! It is very cool!

Kirby the super swimmer!


Kirby the agility champ - Grampa Kave is proud!!! Dont' jump too high until your growth plates are settled!

Kirby and her Daddys at the VCOI Double Bubble picnic!


Kirby the obedience queen!

Kirby kissin'!


Kirby with a cool stick!

I love our cabin in Wisconsin!


At the water's edge!

Kirby loves her pheasant bird from Gramma Cindy!!!


She loves to play!

Sweet Kirby at 9 weeks old!


Kirby - family!

Way too young, Miss Kirby!


Sweet Kirby and a cool toy!

Boy, Mr. Tucker is sooo patient!


Kirby and her sweet friend "Tucker"!

Beautiful Kirby!


What a sweet Girl!

Lovely stack!