Litter Information

Jenna x Dreamer  (March 27, 2011)

Jenna delivered TWO gorgeous puppy girls on March 27th! With such a small litter, Jenna had a hard time. Thank you Auntie Robyn for taking care of us and being our limo driver to the vet!!! Thank God for Drs. Jay and Joanne Randall, who not only took great care of Jenna through a tough surgery (c-section) but they saved BOTH babies!!! We bred gorgeous Miss Jenna to CH Jazzberry CMF Dreamcatcher JH RN! Jenna and Dreamer met nose-to-nose in St. Louis in December and fell in love! Since she had a small litter, these babies are already placed with awesome families!

Puppies (click for details)

Penny  (Sienna Pointe's Penelope)
Ruby  (Sienna Pointe's Ruby Jewel)

We are wild girls!

Playing on Testing Night! Uncle Jim liked to let us play!

Beautiful Miss Purple!

Gorgeous Miss Pink!

I hurt my shoulder tonight falling off of the puppy tunnel. :-( I cried really loud and everyone was worried... I think I am ok... but Gramma had to rub it alot.

We love to snuggle!

Mamma also plays with us...

We like our new house!

Playing - "Hi Gramma!"

Snuggling girls

Good morning!

We still get a little milk with our breakfast!

Purple Girl just loved it!

We had our first BIG GIRL meal on Easter Sunday! Brunch!

Purple Girl was the first into the food! Seconds after Gramma put it down!

I eventually joined in, but was not so excited as Miss Purple!

Initially, I just watched.

Me, too, but mostly off of Gramma's fingers.

WOW! There are alot of big dogs at this house! We heard them but did not believe it! They like us.

Very cool new house! We are up with the big dogs! Some are REALLY big! One called Kobe is massive! Mommie says he is very nice and licks ears like Miss Purple Girl!

Purple Girl laying on Mommie at almost 4 weeks old! Gettin' big!

We are socializing with Liana and Zeny!

Snoozin after a lot of milk!

Jenna and Dreamer's Girls at nearly 4 weeks old... "Wacha Lookin' At?"

Did Mom hide a treat in here?

What a zonked group of beauties!

Snugglin' beauties!

Sweet three!

Gorgeous Threesome!

Resting family!

Pink Girl Sleeping

We just got some fun toys!!!

We're walking!!!

Pink Girl practicing baby agility!

Sweet baby girls at 18 days old! Do you like our new big girl collars?

Girls resting! :-)

Two weeks old! Mom loves us so much!

Two weeks old today! We got new donut beds that are so cozy!~

Two weeks old today and soooo beautiful! We are opening our eyes, ears, starting to walk and even throwing out a little bark or two!

Sweet Pups Bellies Up!

Jenna and Babies so comfy!

Sweet Mommie and babies... 11 days old and over 3 pounds each!

Jenna's little "Piglets"! 35 and 37 ounces at 6 days old! Doubled in weight in one week! WOW!

Jenna and babies soooo relaxed! Can you find them both?

Stretched out Mommie! So comfy in our snuggly house!

Sweet Isabella at 37 ounces on Day 6!

Sweet Juliet at 35 ounces on Day 6!

Sleeping babies at 8 days old

X means kisses!

Good morning Jenna and sweet girls! Day 4 and pushing 2 pounds each! So pretty!!! Plenty of milk for two!


Jenna greeted me when I came home from work, saying Larry is not feeding her enough! :-)

Jenna is feeling so much better on Day 3! Cleaning her babies and very hungry! The girls weigh 23 and 24 ounces!

I am beat! Long day for our new family!

Snuggling Jenna! She loves her new babies!

Jenna with her head on puppy belly!

Jenna nesting to get her spot ready

Jenna nesting earlier in the day!

Miss Pink Girl joins this world first, starting her delivery in the car on the way to the vet!

Girls already up on their legs drinking from the milk bar!

Jenna and baby come home from vet after a very long weekend of baby delivery! Pretty girls! Two baby girls born on March 27th at 4:00PM and 4:40PM!

Handsome boy!

Dreamer the show boy in Belleville 2009!

Beautiful topline! He's smiling!

Handsome Dreamer is a beautifully moving dog!

Beautiful Miss Jenna at about 4 months old.