Litter Information

Jenna x Brick  (March 20, 2014)

Welcome Green Boy and Pink Girl, born at 8:53AM! Mr. Green Boy is sweet and handsome! Miss Pink is beautiful and noisy, just like all of Jenna's girls are at this age! HAH! All of these puppies are spoken for at this time, however, we are beginning to take applications from families for our next litter with Carly and Micah, which will be a Spring 2015 litter. Our "Puppy Questionnaire" is on this website under "Puppies". Thank you for your interest!

Puppies (click for details)

Jolie  (Sienna Pointe Jenna's Jolie)
Sweeney  (Sweeney Dogg the Demon Barker of Sienna Pointe CA JH)

Baby Girl Jolie with her new toys!

We love being up with all of the action and the big dogs! No more baby box in Gramma's office!

Snuggling in our new house with our cool toys!

We are beginning to like this stuff! Mama's milk is still our fav!

Our friends Brewski, Finley (who LOVES US) and Winston!

Sweeney's first lick! He loved it!

Baby Jo-Jo still needs some coaxing!

Our last night in the baby box! Sure comfy, but we are out growing!

Mommie still likes laying with us in OUR beds! :-)

Snoopy is just perfect for a pillow!

Hey Mom, you are squishing me a bit!

We find the funniest places to lay our heads!

We are all posing with our eyes open!

Gramma gave us some toys to play with!

Mommie teaches us everything! Silly Mommie!

So relaxed with myself!

Mommie loves out puppy beds! Green Boy is under the blue bed.

Mommie half on! Green Boy half on!

Gorgeous Jenna and her sweet babies on Day 11.

Jenna and her Mama Jolie! Buddies and Snuggle Bunnies!

Mom really loves us!

We love our corner! Cozy!

The Twins - Day 13! 3 pound each!

I love my babies, and I am feeling better now too! No temp, good food!

Jenna and Sweet Green Boy

Miss Pink Girl laying with Mommie! Awe - how cute!

Mr. Green Boy snuggled under Snoopy and in the corner of our house!

Day 7 - still a little fluid in my "camel back" - all babies and Mommie are good!

Day 8 - our little family!

Day 3 - Jenna and Jolie snuggling!

Pink Girl hiding and nursing...

Day 4 Green Boy cuddling with Mommie

Day 6 - Jenna and Chubsters!

Day 6 - Jenna and her babies

Day 6 - Little Chubsters! We gained 10 ounces each in two days!

Day 2 hanging out!

Green Boy snoozing in the puppy bed.

Green Boy sleeping over Mamma Jenna's leg!

Two sweet babies - Jenna is so proud!

Babies snuggling on Day 2!

Silly Gramma - we are two days old, of course we can reach!

Perfect height - but does she think we cannot reach?

Gramma is smart! She helped us reach the top row!

Snoopy helps to get to the good milk!

Snuggling on Day Two! I love my bro!

Introducing... Jenna and Brick babies Green Boy and Pink Girl - so sweet!

The boy matching Jenna's body color, and the girl matches Jenna's ear color!

So pretty and handsome!

Lunch for us! It is all day dining!

Denni meeting and greeting! And enjoying the photo shoot!

Jenna watching Denni and I having lunch! We shared with her!